19. April 2018
Interesting article about the project "Czech Masters in Vienna"
This is interesting information about our project "Czech Masters in Vienna"
31. January 2018
Marek Stilec conducting The Concert Verein Orchester
We are very pleased, that our outstanding conductor Marek Stilec had a great honor to lead Concert Verein Orchester, Vienna. On the programme were Mozart, Haydn, Gstattner and "the Czech master in Vienna" - Leopold Kozeluch. Congratulations to the performance.
Přehled koncertů
8. October 2024
Já, Bedřich Smetana: Martina Včeláková, Karel Vrtiška, Radek Valenta
10:00 hodin, Divadlo Jablonec nad Nisou
web pořadatele 17. October 2024
Shadow quartet
17:30 hodin, Praha Emauzy